< L’anestetica dell’etica > (Accoto 2024)

< Chi è, cos’è, da dove viene e come si diviene questo fantomatico “umano” che tutti vorrebbero al centro, in controllo, nel giro? Si dice che abiti in maniera prepotente e supponente il pianeta Terra. I geografi e gli antropologi contemporanei interrogati faticano a trovarne traccia. Eppure c’è: ma con quali modi di esistenza e di divenienza? Provocazione: che sia anch’esso e esso stesso allora, in fondo, solo una ‘persona ficta’? > (Accoto, 2024, postilla a The Latent Planet)


<< If automated systems and software are opaque by design, the human renders decisions transparent. If automated decisions risk subordinating humans to technocracy, the human provides the requisite dignity of human consideration. If automated systems discriminate on account of the way data encodes social bias, the human corrects errors and ensures decision quality. If automation produces non-reflective forms of mindless governance, the human grounds the legitimacy and authority of legal commands. If software dissolves accountability into the procurement, design and engineering of a decision system, the human provides a coherent locus of responsibility. If automation includes emergent and generative qualities, the human garners trust, and normalises regulatory strategies premised on risk management.

These intuitions mean the human in the loop has become a sort of Talisman of the appeal to re-humanise – a symbolic regulatory apparatus.
At the same time, however the human in the loop’s capacity to satisfy those demands has been questioned on a number of registers. On one hand, there are empirical challenges to the human in the loop challenging its capacity to improve decision, satisfy dignitarian demands of rights (…)

Responses to the empirical unevenness of human in the loop requirements fall into two general classes. One group of commentators suggest the human in the loop’s failures stems from being not human enough. A more ‘human centric’ approach is necessary to recuperate the human in the loop (…)

Other scholars push the critique of human-centrism further, and identify fundamental incompatibilities between human and computational agency (…)

But these arguments terminate in a conceptual and regulatory impasse. Human oversight of automated decisions may, at times, be ineffective or functionally impossible, but abandoning human agency in decision-making is politically and functionally inconceivable … >>

(Goldenfein, Lost in the Loop – Who is the “human” of the Human in the Loop? 2024)

Published by

Cosimo Accoto

Research Affiliate at MIT | Author "Il Mondo Ex Machina" (Egea) | Philosopher-in-Residence | Business Innovation Advisor | www.cosimoaccoto.com